Televisions, radios and print advertisement controlled a large portion of advertising spend for decades pre-internet. However, this changed with the rapid growth of the internet. The expansion of big tech companies like Google, Facebook and Amazon made it easy to run data-driven marketing campaigns and reach a wide audience online at a fraction of the cost it took to do the same via traditional media.

The competition for the end consumer’s attention by startups flushed with VC money, wishing to achieve network effects online or big brands desperate to stay relevant has made online advertising an arms race.

The result is a vast increase in prices for ad impressions, click-throughs and customer acquisition. 

Some popular marketers make the mistake of assuming traditional marketing is dead and only focus on online marketing, but over 60% of the world’s population is not connected to the internet (as of 05/05/2019). This is not to mention those that are connected but aren’t active on mediums such as Facebook. So traditional advertising still presents an opportunity to reach audiences not accessible online.

While some traditional advertising mediums like television may continue to lose their dominance over time, traditional marketing when mixed with online marketing can be an effective way to stay afloat in our changing landscape. Besides, as more and more marketers focus on spending a majority of their marketing budget online, traditional marketing like direct mail have become less crowded, cheaper and even more effective.

Our marketing team have the advantage of being experienced practitioners in both contemporary and traditional forms of marketing in an age when most brands are diverting their marketing dollars to a few platforms online. This places us in a unique position to be a more informed player in the market.

Our one goal is to help you develop and execute the most cost-effective marketing strategy that is unique,  memorable and connects with your target audience to drive the results you desire.

Inbound Marketing Solutions

Inbound marketing is about attracting, converting and delighting customers via content marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimisation and branding. Unlike traditional marketing methods like cold calling and flier distribution, inbound marketing is more about building trust with the customer, being less intrusive and more data-driven. If you’re trying to expand the audience for your website, find new customers and grow your business then our inbound marketing solutions are a good choice for you.

Select your preferred solution from the list below to learn more or fill the ‘Let’s Get Started’ form on this page to find out how we can help you.

Outbound Marketing Solutions

Outbound Marketing image

Outbound marketing was simply known as ‘marketing’ pre-internet.  Outbound marketing in the internet age refers to any form of marketing (online or offline) that interrupts the audience (hence why it is also referred to as interruption marketing). Many new age digital marketers have been quick to label outbound marketing as a waste of time and money but studies have shown traditional marketing techniques like direct mail is not only more effective but also cheaper, since most advertisers are moving online.

Select your preferred outbound marketing solution from the list below to learn more or fill the ‘Let’s Get Started’ form on this page to find out how we can help you.

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